Lindy Mo


Phone: Munich | +49 (0)89 380 387 44

London | +44 207 078 8824

Specializations: SAP market

Country: Germany

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Lindy is based in our London office and serves our DACH clients, specifically the German market. Focusing on the SAP market, Lindy is one of our 360 consultants and has developed a thorough understanding of the market needs and requirements of both end users and consultancies. She is experienced in filling mid to senior-level job requirements across functional and technical positions within the SAP market.

Prior to joining Oliver Parks, Lindy was an undergraduate student at Hult International Business School in London, where she graduated in 2020 and acquired a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration. Lindy was born and raised in Germany and moved to the UK in 2017 to pursue her Bachelor's at Hult. (Currently, she is pursuing her M.Sc. in applied Psychology at Tsinghua University).